Download Yokogawa Port Devices Driver

USB-RS232 Serial Converter Driver Download

Yokogawa bears no liability for any problems that may occur during download or installation of this software. Use of the Yokogawa Web site is at the user's own risk. Any parties contributing to the creation or distribution of the contents on the Yokogawa Web site shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for any damages occurring as a result of. Versatile Device Management Wizard Yokogawa Electric Corporation. Driver NI-FBUS Communications Manager 15.0 or later. ISA100.11a. 3 Interface One USB port.

Windows 7 64-bit & 32-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit & 32-bit, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98

Important note regarding Windows 7 and Vista:
The driver MUST be installed 'as Administrator'
Right-click the downloaded EXE file and choose Run as administrator

Download the Windows installer for the USB RS-232 adaptor:
Download for Windows 7/Vista/XP (32-bit)
Download for Windows 7/Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)

If for some reason the above driver does not work, try one of the following:
Download for Windows 7/Vista/XP (32-bit and 64-bit - Alternate driver)
Download for Windows XP, 2000, 98/ME (32-bit only)

For older cables (purchased prior to October, 2010):
Download for Windows 7/Vista/XP (32-bit and 64-bit)
Download for Windows Vista (32-bit only)

Run the installer, then after rebooting, plug the USB end of the adapter into one of the USB ports on the computer.

NOTE: For Windows 7, please use RC build 7100 or RTM Final version. (Installer program will not run on early Windows 7 or Beta versions)

Check the software driver installation

1) Open the Device Manager dialog from Control Panel

  • Windows Vista: Start >> Control Panel >> System >> Hardware >> Device Manager
  • Windows XP: Start >> Control Panel >> System >> Hardware >> Device Manager
  • Windows 2000: Start >> Settings >> Control Panel >> System >> Hardware >> Device Manager
  • Windows 98/ME: Start >> Settings >> Control Panel >> System >> Device Manager

2) Click the plus sign (+) next to 'Ports'.

3) If the device is properly installed, ' USB Serial Port' or 'Prolific USB-to-Serial COM Port' will be displayed.

Download Yokogawa Port Devices Drivers

The software driver is properly installed, but the USB-RS232 adaptor does not work as expected

One of the common reasons that software may not work as expected with a USB-Serial adaptor when the devcie is properly installed, is many older programs (and even some new ones) only support a limited number of COM ports (e.g. only COM1 - COM4)

If the USB-RS232 adapter is installed as COM5, it may need to be reassigned to COM1 - COM4 to work with some software.

The following outlines how to to reassign the COM port on Windows XP/2K/Me/98SE

Windows XP

1) Follow steps 1-3 of 'Check the software driver installation'above.

2) Right-click on the 'Prolific USB to Serial Port', then click Properties

3) Click on the 'Port Settings' tab. Click the 'Advanced' button.

4) In the 'COM Port Number' drop-down select the desired port number. For example if the software requires COM2, select COM2. Note the COM port must have '(in use)' listed next to it, if it does then another device with that name is already installed in the system. After selecting the desire port number, click 'OK.'

5) Click 'OK' again, and the device will show up as being on the same COM port that it was before (i.e., COM5), but should show up on the selected port name when the Device Manager dialog is closed and opened again.

6) Close the Device Manager. Launch the software to use with the new COM port.

Windows 2000, Me, and 98 SE (Second Edition)

1) Follow steps 1 2 of 'Check the software driver installation'above.

2) Right-click on the 'Prolific USB to Serial Port', then click Properties.

3) Click on the 'Port Settings' tab. Click the 'Advanced' button.

4) Uncheck 'Use automatic settings'.

5) Select 'Input/Output range'. Click on 'Change Settings'.

6) Type '02E8-02EF' in the Value box. This value will change the port to COM 4. If COM 4 is in use, you must choose another port. The values for each port are.

  • COM 1: 03F8-03FF
  • COM 2: 02F8-02FF
  • COM 3: 03E8-03EF
  • COM 4: 02E8-02EF

7) Enter the value, then click OK. Click OK again, then click Yes when the 'Creating a Forced Configuration' window appears. Click OK.

Download yokogawa port devices drivers

8) Restart the computer. The Device Manager can be checked, to see the COM port change.

Note: Adaptor may not be exactly as pictured above.

--- Software Downloads ---


1. Please temporarily disable Antivirus Real Time Protection or open a window for downloading to prevent from Over-Protection, causing

'Incomplete Download'. Please check downloaded file size to see if it has the same size as original on the web site.

Otherwise you may fail to Unzip and install the driver due to 'Incomplete Download'.

2. For files with rar extension, download 'RAR' Decompress SW from ;
For files with zip extension, download Unzip SW from ;

For files with PDF extension, download pdf reader from

3.Please provide basic data when inquiring support: (1) dongle serial number with the prefix, (2) year/ date purchased , (3) from where you bought, (4) Your other IR device (type/brand/model) you want to link to? (see Tech Support Form)

ACT-IRx24UN series (incl. IR224UN/424UN, IRx24UN-Li, IRx24UN-LN, IRx24UN-L+; IRx24UN-Lx-LE series)

Drivers for Mac OS, Windows (32 & 64 bit); WinCE; & Linux (Note: Shares the same driver for ACT-IR100UD family & ACT1-201)
For Windows 7/8/10 OS, Dvr installer v1.5.0 and Install Guide for ACT-IRx24UN-Lx and IRx24UN-Lx-LE (Compatible Driver & TSPack for those IR adapters which their SN# prefix starts with 'UN' or 'LI').

Please contact for the driver (for some old IR adapters the IC used inside is EOL, with no driver support. This can be identified by your IR adapter serial number that is not 'UN' or 'LI'. In such a case there will be no Windows 10 driver, may need to buy new IR adapter with new IC inside). (Please See NOTE3 above for providing your basic data)

For Windows 7/8/10 OS, Dvr installer v1.12.0 and Install Guide for ACT-IRx24UN-Lx and IRx24UN-Lx-LE
(Compatible Driver & TSPack for those IR adapters which their SN# prefix starts with 'TA').

Please contact for the driver (for some old IR adapters the IC used inside is EOL, with no driver support. This can be identified by your IR adapter serial number. In such a case there will be no Windows 10 driver, may need to buy new IR adapter with new IC inside). (Please See NOTE3 above for providing your basic data)

IRx24UN-Lx_Lx-LE-Manual-v1.3.4-140324.pdf General Manual - ACT-IRx24UN-Li/IRx24UN-L+/ IRx24UN-LN and ACT-IRx24UN-Lx-LE
Advanced-Uninstaller-121127.zip_File Size=18279KBThis is a Driver Remover for those users who could not uninstall the old driver from PC successfully. After running this software and complete un-installation is done, please reboot your PC. Then install the new driver. ( Source: Advance Uninstaller PRO by Innovative Solutions.)
  • For Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan (64-bit)
  • For Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite (64-bit)
  • For Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks (64-bit)
  • For PL2303 H/HX/HXD/EA/RA/SA/TA/TB chip versions
  • For Prolific USB VID_067B&PID_2303 Only
  • Includes Driver Installation Manual

Please contact for the driver (for some old IR adapters the IC used inside is EOL, with no driver support. This can be identified by your IR adapter serial number. In such a case there will be no Windows 10 driver, may need to buy new IR adapter with new IC inside). (Please See NOTE3 above for providing your basic data)

md_IRx24UN_H_HX_X_dmg_v1.2.1r2.zipACT-IR224UN/424UN Mac OS X Universal Binary Driver (DMG file format)
For MacOS 10.1 and above for PowerPC based Mac
For MacOS 10.4 and above for PowerPC and Intel based Mac
Supports Mac OS X 10.5 and above for PowerPC and Intel based Mac
md_IRx24UN_Mac8_9_v136b1.zipACT-IR224UN/424UN Mac OS 8 & 9 driver v1.3.6 build 1
ACT-IR224UN-Li-4Mac-Manual-v1.3.4-140324.pdfManual - for Mac Users of ACT-IR224UN-Li
Generic_IRx24UN_WinCE50_ARM_v1009.CABACT-IR224UN/424UN WinCE 5.0 Driver for ARM Standard SDK
Also for Windows Mobile 6, Windows Mobile 5, PocketPC 2003.
NOTE: Check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEDriversActiveUSBSER folder in registry for the COM port number.
Generic_IRx24UN_WinCE50_x86_v1009.CABACT-IR224UN/424UN WinCE 5.0 Driver for x86 Standard SDK
Also for Windows Mobile 6, Windows Mobile 5, PocketPC 2003.
NOTE: Check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEDriversActiveUSBSER folder in registry for the COM port number.
ld_IRx24UN_Linux_v0728.rarACT-IR224UN/424UN Linux driver for RedHat 7.3/8.0/9.0 Only.
NOTE: No need to install drivers for following:
Linux Kernel 2.4.10 and above already includes built-in drivers for PL-2303H.
Linux Kernel 2.4.31 and above already includes built-in drivers for PL-2303H, PL-2303XA/HXA and PL-2303HXD
ACT-IR224UN/IR424UN Configuration utility

Please contact for it (Please See NOTE3for providing your basic data)

ACT1-201 ; ACT1-211
ACT1-201 Driver
Driver InstallerPlease just download from IR224UN.Actually they share the same driver.
ACT1-211 GPS Driver
ACT1-211_1414_20110314_GPS.zipGPS Driver to block Windows Mouse problem occur at 2400 bps (supports Win7 32 and 64 bit)
ACT-IR100UD-MDT-CD-v1.1.0-130208.zipCD for IR100UD-MDT which includes Windows driver. Please download other drivers from above IRx24UNjust in case needed. They actually share the same.
User's Manual for Windows XP/Vista/Win7/8/10

Please contact (Please See NOTE3 above for providing your basic data)

Driver for Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/vista/Win7/8/10 (32 & 64 bit)
Please contact for the driver (for some old IR adapters the IC used inside is EOL, with no driver support.
This can be identified by your IR adapter serial number. In such a case there will be no Windows 10 driver, may need to buy new IR adapter with new IC inside).
(Please See NOTE3 above for providing your basic data)
IR2002UL/IR4002US Manual

Please contact (Please See NOTE3 above for providing your basic data)

IR2002UL /IR4002US Drivers
Please contact for the driver (for some old IR adapters the IC used inside is EOL, with no driver support.
This can be identified by your IR adapter serial number. In such a case there will be no Windows 10 driver, may need to buy new IR adapter with new IC inside).
(Please See NOTE3 abovefor providing your basic data)
Note:If you useIrDA-OBEX, these USB-IrDA adapters support Win7/8/10-32 and 64 bit.
But, if you use IrDA-IrComm,you'll need IrComm2K ( free software from 3rd party) for all Windows O.S., including Win7-32 bit.
However,IrComm2K does Not support 64bit. then please use ACT-IR100UD/ACT-IR100UD-v2/IR100UD-v3, the Intelligent USB-IrDA adapter which is our once-for-all solution.
ACT-IR100UD/ IR120UD/ IR100UD-v2/ IR100UD-v3
ACT-IR100UD/ IR120UD/ IR100UD-v2/ IR100UD-v3 Drivers & Manuals
Please contact for the driver (for some old IR adapters the IC used inside is EOL, with no driver support. This can be identified by your IR adapter serial number.
In such a case there will be no Windows 10 driver, may need to buy new IR adapter with new IC inside). (Please See NOTE3 abovefor providing your basic data)
CD for IR100UD-LPT

Please contact (Please See NOTE3 abovefor providing your basic data)

ACT-IR100Mx Series (100M/100MP/100MU) User Manual
ACT-IR100MxManual -v3.2.2.1-080324.pdf

Manual for ACT-IR100M/IR100MP

ACT-IR100MU-Manual-v1.2-100108.pdfManual for ACT-IR100MU

Spec for ACT-IR82x0D

Technical Spec for ACT-IR82x0D

Spec of ACT-IR8250P

Technical Spec for ACT-IR8250P Download qualcomm atheros cd-rom drivers.

ACT-IR826xD-Technical-v1.0.0.1-120220.pdf Technical Spec for ACT-IR826xD
ACT-IR3200M User Guide
Please contact See NOTE3 above for providing your basic data)
Windows 7/8/10 Driver
Please contact for the driver (for some old IR adapters the IC used inside is EOL, with no driver support. This can be identified by your IR adapter serial number.
In such a case there will be no Windows 10 driver, may need to buy new IR adapter with new IC inside). (Please See NOTE3 above for providing your basic data) It is for Windows 7/8/10 IrDA driver.
Windows User Manual - for IrDA use
IR200L-IR220L&IR220L+ Manual.pdfDriver install/uninstall procedure for Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/Win7/8/10 (32 & 64 bit)
  1. NOTE: a. You Need Not install ACTiLinkACPI for your PC UNLESS it is really needed under some Notebook PC for IR220L+ due to below reasons.
    NOTE: b. The file we provide here is ONLY a 30-day TRIAL Version. Please BUY the Standard Version i
    f you feel it DOES Help, after the trial period expired.

  2. [What is ACPI]: In Win98SE and later Windows O.S., ACPI manager is used to save power for notebook PC. e.g., if no software using floating calculation, ACPI manager may turn off CPU. It then saves power.

  3. [What it helps]: ACPI manager also disables COM port. ACT-IR220L+ uses no external power, which gets from RS232 COM port RTS/DTR signal lines. This is to Deactivate this function, so that IR220L+ can get power and function well.

  4. Windows OS relevance : ACTiLinkACPI will not work on all OLD Windows O.S., e.g. Windows 95.

ACT-IR200L-UsefulLink-v1.0.0-101013.pdfUseful Third Party Driver/Software Developer URL Link for ACT-IR200L
Windows 3.11 Driver Irwin311.exe - Windows 3.11 Driver for IR200L/220L/220L+ Only
Windows 95 Driver - Windows 95 Driver for IR200L/220L/220L+ Only
IrComm for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Win 7
IrComm2K.zipIrComm - to Create Virtual Port
Manual-VirtualCOMport-IrCOMM2Kdriver.pdfMicrosoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Win7 IrDA stack does not include IrCOMM. So, if your opposite IrDA device supports IrCOMM as a upper IrDA application protocol and wish your device exchange data using IrCOMM protocol then you can download this Third party driver and install it. Please, refer Manual for installation
CD Pack for ACT-IR204UN
ACT-IR204UN installation CD [Note]: Only supports up to Windows XP.
(for Windows Vista/7/8/10 and up, IR224UN is its replacement.(2nd generation)

Please contact (Please See NOTE3 above for providing your basic data)

ACT-BT5100US-Air Driver Installation CD: IVT BlueSoleil (TM) & user manual
ACT-BT5701S v2
ACT-BT5701Sv2-Manual-v2.1.1-101223.zipUser's manual
ACT-BT5711U-Manual-v1.0.3.1-140529.zipUser's manual
ACT-BT5800UB & BT5900US
Note-Printer_PortSetting.pdfA common Note on Printer Port Setup
OTHER OLD Dongles Solutions:
PleaseGoto DownLoads OOther old dongles solutions

Download Yokogawa Port Devices Driver Download

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